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Whenever you undertake surveying a population, whether employees, residents, or other stakeholders, you should do so with the end goal in mind. Commonly, people wonder what kinds of questions they should be asking.
The short answer is that you should ask simple, direct questions that will provide the information you need.
The longer, more elaborate answer includes a few more considerations. Ultimately, it depends what you want to know, who you want to learn it from, and what you intend to do with that information.
When crafting a survey, there are a few basic things to consider:
Once all of those things are understood, there are some things to consider when writing or selecting the actual questions. Keep in mind survey questions should be:
A good survey partner will take the above considerations in mind and work with your organization to craft a survey tool that aligns with your mission and goals. This relationship should be dynamic, where the survey provider ensures a valid and actionable survey, but at the same time, keeping your priorities at the center of the survey design process.
Looking to get in touch with someone at Holleran? Complete this form and we’ll be sure to respond!